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Euromines launches Episode 1 of its vodcast series: Peter Tom Jones

Euromines has launched the first episode of its vodcast series on the topic of Europe's raw materials conundrum. Episode 1 features SIM² KU Leuven's Peter Tom Jones. A 40-minute conversation about responsible mining, refining and recycling.

Euromines has launched the first episode of its vodcast series on the topic of Europe’s raw materials conundrum. Episode 1 features SIM² KU Leuven’s Peter Tom Jones. A 40-minute conversation about responsible mining, refining and recycling. About Jones’ background in the environmental and climate movements and how he relates to these at present. The vodcast is available as a YouTube video. It can also be listened to on Spotify and Soundcloud. The host for these vodcasts is Florian Anderhuber.

📺 Youtube: Euromines Podcast – Episode 1 with Peter Tom Jones (

🔉 Soundcloud: Stream Euromines Podcast | Listen to podcast episodes online for free on SoundCloud
🔉 Spotify: Euromines Podcast – Episode 1 with Peter Tom Jones by Euromines Podcast (


The age of free-trade neoliberalism is over. A new world order is upon us, marked by resource nationalism, protectionism, deglobalisation, with liberal democracy on the wane. In response to China’s expansionist Belt & Road Initiative and the US’ Inflation Reduction Act, Europe needs to find its own answer. Our mission is clear: forge a long-term strategy, targeting made-in-Europe, vertically-integrated, de-siloed, mine-to-cleantech value chains.

The Critical Raw Materials Act is merely the opening gambit. Now we need to identify a portfolio of best-in-(ESG-)class “Strategic Projects” for iron, copper, lithium, rare earths & other CRM mining, refining & recycling, fast track their permitting and get them to deliver ESG-friendly metals to our cleantech factories.

We need a Green Industrial Deal in which our siloed, inconsistent legislation approach is replaced by a unified legal framework that allows our decarbonisation strategy to go hand in hand with a cleantech-based re-industrialisation of Europe. To be implemented by the incoming EC with a resourceful "Jürgen Klopp-like" Executive Vice President who can operate across the DG's (Maroš Šefčovič?).

A clarion call for European policymakers, citizens and ngo’s to wake up to this stark reality now. Act now or resign ourselves to becoming an industrial museum.


Euromines is the recognised representative of the European metals and minerals mining industry. Its main objective is to promote the responsible industry practices and reflect the adequate consideration of mining in EU policy making. Euromines serves as a cooperative network where the Secretariat and Members evaluate the impact of European and International policies and legislations on the industry and define common positions and actions. Euromines represents large and small companies and subsidiaries in Europe and in other parts of the world. Website:

Biography Peter Tom Jones

Jones is the Director of the KU Leuven Institute for Sustainable Metals and Minerals (SIM²), an interdisciplinary team of more than 400 researchers focusing on the exploration, extraction, processing, refining and recycling of the energy-transition metals that are essential for a sustainable society [view SIM² Corporate Presentation here]. Jones has been working in this field for over 20 years, since completing his PhD in Metallurgy at KU Leuven in 2001. Jones is also the co-founder of KU Leuven’s SOLVOMET Research & Innovation Centre, a platform that provides (circular) hydrometallurgy expertise to industrial partners. Through SIM² KU Leuven and SOLVOMET, Jones has been a coordinator or partner in more than 30 EU-funded projects on sustainable metallurgy and critical raw materials. 

Additionally, Jones is the author of several books (e.g. Terra Incognita (2006), Klimaatcrisis (2009), Terra Reversa (2009 & 2016)…) and presenter of documentaries (e.g. Responsible mining in Europe (2022), Made in Europe: from mine to Electric Vehicle (2023), The Sami Perspective (2024), Europe's Mining Renaissance (2024)) on the transition to a climate-neutral, circular economy. All documentaries are available on SIM²'s Youtube channel:

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