AVANTIS supported documentaries:
Europe’s Mining Renaissance
In this 22-minute documentary Peter Tom Jones (Director KU Leuven Institute for Sustainable Metals and Minerals - SIM2 KU Leuven) searches for answers to Europe’s seemingly problematic relationship with primary mining of energy transition metals.
Made in Europe: from mine to electric vehicle
A tsunami of cheap electric vehicles from China could lead to a nightmarish de-industrialisation in Europe. Dr Peter Tom Jones, a well known climate author, is convinced that Europe has to take the full value chain back in its own hands, from mine to electric vehicle. He undertakes a road trip in the Nordic countries to visit iconic mines and show best practices. He talks to the indigenous Sami people and to European leaders.
Not available yet
Published abstracts:
K. Komnitsas, Kostas, T. Eerola, Public Acceptance and Responsible Mining towards Energy Transition, SDIMI: https://www.sdimi2024.org/ (a joint EXCEED-AVANTIS effort).
A. Piestrzyński, W. Zygo, K. Foltyn, G. Kozub-Budzyń, AGH Kraków, W. Geologii, G. i Ochrony Środowiska, Surowce krytyczne dla Europy, złoża rud Ti-Fe-V Ukrainy Critical elements for Europe, Ti-Fe-V deposit in Ukraine, Geological Congress, June 2024.
Not available yet
- Press Release SIM²/SOLVOMET KU Leuven, Horizon Europe ENICON, EXCEED, AVANTIS, CICERO & LITHOS – Prometia – 15 March 2024 (READ)